
For Schools & Youth


Classroom Visits & Presentations

Our educators can visit your classroom, youth group, club, camp or scout group to speak about waste reduction and proper recycling. We also provide adult education programs. To schedule, contact us today.  


Grant & Scholarship Opportunities 

The District and other organizations offer grants to cities, villages and schools to encourage recycling and sustainability. Please contact us for more information. 


Experience Earth Camp

Pickaway SWCD hosts EE Camp each summer for students entering 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. EE Camp is a three-day day camp that takes place at a Pickaway County outdoor location. New in 2021, we also offer a one-day Jr. EE Camp for incoming 1st and 2nd grade students in Pickaway County.

Campers are given the opportunity to learn about nature, wildlife and the environment from experts in a fun and educational way! Pickaway SWCD is happy to partner with Pickaway County Park District and RPHF Solid Waste District to host our EE Camps.


Earth Day Sidewalk Chalk Challenge 

The RPHF Solid Waste District is hosting a sidewalk chalk drawing challenge in honor of Earth Day. This challenge encourages Kindergarten & First Grade classrooms in Pickaway & Fayette County to get outside and create drawings about the challenge theme. Please view the flyer for more information. 


America Recycles Day Poster Contest

The RPHF Solid Waste District is hosting a poster contest for high school students in honor of America Recycles Day. Please view the flyer for more information. 


Litter Kit Loan Program 

Are you interested in conducting a clean-up in your community? We will lend you the supplies! The kit includes safety vests, litter grabber tools, bags, gloves and a data form. There is no charge to borrow our kits as long as they are returned and unharmed. Please email to request kits. 


Secondhand Stationary Program

Our District office will accept unwanted office and school supplies! Items can be used/partial but must be in good condition. For example, we can accept partial boxes of ink pens, partial reams of paper or open bottles of craft paint. If you are unsure if we will accept your leftover supplies, please contact us. Your donated supplies will be kept at our office and are free for any student, teacher or club to use. Our goal is to keep usable material out of the landfill. Please contact for more info. (Printable flyer)


Billboard Contest

We host a creative drawing billboard contest for all 5th graders in the four county district. The winning billboards (1 per county) are displayed the month of April in observance of Earth Day. Please have all entries submitted by February 2, 2024. Email for a copy of the drawing template. 

Rule Sheet 2023-24 : (PDF Printer-Friendly Copy)

2024 Billboard Contest Results:

  • Pickaway County 
  • Ross County
  • Highland County
  • Fayette County

2023 Billboard Contest Results:

2022 Billboard Contest Results:



Classroom Tools

We can provide worksheets and recycling information to educators at any time. Simply reach out to our District Educators!


District Newsletter

We provide quarterly district newsletters to highlight activities in our four counties.


Holiday Waste Tips

Did you know…? Americans increase their trash by 25% between Thanksgiving and the New Year.  That’s about 1 million extra tons of trash per week! The 2.65 billion Christmas cards sold each year in the U.S. could fill a football field 10 stories high! Lastly, 38,000 miles of ribbon are thrown out each year.  Since the earth’s circumference is 25,000 miles—that’s enough ribbon to tie a bow around the earth!


Junior Conservationist Program - Pickaway County

The Jr. Conservationist Program is a do-it-yourself conservation camp hosted my Pickaway Soil and Water Conservation District, the Pickaway County Park District and RPHF Solid Waste District! Register to participate and be eligible for a free  hat or button! Complete the required number of activities from each topic category below and take photos of yourself doing the activities/projects. Send photos to to be eligible for a free hat or button! 2020’s program year will begin May 1 and you will have until October 1 to complete your activities. Time to get outside, explore and learn! Don’t want to register? No worries! Enjoy any of these activities on your own for free!