
Summary of the RPHF Solid Waste District

As a result of House Bill 592, each Ohio county is required to establish or join other counties to form a "solid waste management district." The Ross, Pickaway, Highland, Fayette Joint Solid Waste Management District (RPHF SWMD) was established in 1989. The District began the necessary process to comply with regulations and goals set by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

The Ohio EPA requires that six waste reduction strategies be implemented that will enable the district to meet the goals established in the 1995 State Plan. In general, these goals are as follows:

Solid Waste Management Goals

Goal #1

Ensure the availability of reduction, recycling, and minimization alternatives
for municipal solid waste (also known as the “Access Goal”)

Goal #2

Reduce and/or recycle at least 25% of the residential/ commercial solid
waste and 66% of the industrial solid waste generated.

Goal #3

Provide informational and technical assistance on source reduction.

Goal #4

Provide informational and technical assistance on recycling, reuse, and composting opportunities.

Goal #5

Develop strategies for scrap tires, yard waste, lead-acid batteries and household
hazardous waste.

Goal #6

Provide annual reporting of plan implementation

Goal #7

Prepare a market development strategy (optional).

In order to meet the above goals the district must document an array of measurements, evaluations and inventories. There is a great deal of information gathered, analysis and projections made to be written in a Plan (Goal #6). This Plan, covering at least 15 years, is updated and approved by Ohio EPA every five years. Ohio EPA approved the Fifth Revision of the RPHF Solid Waste Plan on July 12, 2018. Work on the next revision will have Ohio EPA approval by January 12, 2024. 

The 15 year projections include population, waste generation, composition of the waste stream, landfill capacities and waste reduction percentages. The Plan must also include detailed strategies demonstrating compliances with the goals listed above and the mechanism(s) to fund implementation of the Plan once approved. 

This Plan Update demonstrates compliance with Goal #1.  This requires the District to provide infrastructure access for at least 90% of its residents, evaluate its waste recycling rate, and ensure commercial/institutional generators have access to recycling opportunities.  Infrastructure access for residents is achieved through curbside and drop-off recycling programs. The drop-off recycling program utilizes single-stream multi-material containers generally available 24/7. The drop-off program requires costly transportation while traveling all four counties, with processing in Columbus. Unfortunately, the drop-off recycling program is plagued by misuse and surges of materials. Best practices indicate curbside recycling programs achieve more materials and a cleaner stream. The drop-off recycling opportunities should remain constant throughout the planning period, but this Plan Update is increasing the effort to add new curbside recycling services within the District.


  • Board Meeting November 14th, 2024 at 11 am. Meeting location - ROST Coffee in Chillicothe 

Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting

May 16, 2024 Pending


Board Meeting

November 9, 2023 DoWNLOAD


Board Meeting

May 4th, 2023 DOWNLOAD


Board Members

Ross County Commissioners
Dwight Garrett
Jack Everson
James Lowe
Pickaway County Commissioners
Harold Henson
Gary Scherer
Jay Wippel
Highland County Commissioners
Terry Britton
Brad Roades
David Daniels
Fayette County Commissioners
Tony Anderson
Daniel Dean
James Garland
District Director
Erica Tucker
Assistant Director / Secretary to the Board
Lauren Haubeil (Grooms)

Policy Committee

Judi White – 29th Public Member
Ross County
Steve Neal – Ross County Commissioner
Jeff Carman – Municipal
Janelle McManis – Health Commissioner
Jim Hatfield – Township Trustee
Michael Henry – Industry
Ray Wells – Citizen
Steve Neal – Public
Pickaway County

Harold Henson - County Commissioner
Jim Stanley - Municipal
Andy Bull - Health Commissioner
Matt Corder - Township Trustee
Allie Meyerhoefer - Industry
Darwin Whitehead - Citizen
Ed Cox – Public

Highland County

Dave Daniels - County Commissioner
Whitney Aliff - Municipal
Anna McCoppin - Health Commissioner
Fred Yochum-   Township Trustee
Phil Loudin - Industry
Chuck Williams - Citizen
Tara Campbell – Public

Fayette County

Tony Anderson - County Commissioner
Allen Dawson - Municipal
Brian King - Health Commissioner
Cody Kirkpatrick - Township Trustee
Brian Longberry - Industry
Sue Smith - Citizen
Steve Luebbe - Public